What Are People Saying?!
“Kristin motivated me to look at food in a completely different and more productive way. She caused me to realize that YES I CAN eat whatever I want, whenever I want-as long as I am always mindful to stop eating at 80% full. It literally is mind over matter. And, this new mindset frees me from the guilt that I’d grown up with and felt for decades, after I ate high calorie foods. I’ve lost 10 pounds and I feel better because I am no longer worrying all the time about what I am eating. The final piece, to go along with the new confident mindset is to exercise on a regular basis. Thank YOU for giving me a healthier attitude!”
— Annonymous
“Kristin has been such a blessing in my life, especially during a time where I felt my life was chaotic and God was teaching me to fully trust in Him. She has reshaped how I think about myself, helping me to understand that I can love myself where I am at right now, that I am worthy to take up space, knowing I can make additions to my life verses restrictions, and to give myself grace because it’s not as simple as eat less and workout more. Kristin truly becomes someone to lean on for all of life’s things.”
— Annonymous
You’ve helped me believe in my own abilities, to be myself, love myself, and feel worthy as a leader! Great leaders built great leaders, and I feel like that’s a big thing that happens deep beneath the veil of a general health and fitness goal!🙌🏻
-Melany Sesto
Working with Kristin Dickerson was a "before/after" point in my life. Not because I dropped weight, but because our work together was the thing that finally got me out of a binge/restrict cycle that had been wreaking havoc in my life since 5th grade.
On our first call, I told Kristin I'd left a 12 step program for "food addiction" a few years earlier because no matter how much weight I lost-- 104 lbs to be exact --- my body dysmorphophobia was worse and worse and worse. My hair was falling out and I wasn't getting a period because I had gone from 252 lbs to 148, but I still looked in the mirror and saw fat. I knew how screwed up that was and I had left, but in the three years between leaving and finding Kristin, I was still flailing for a sustainable way to eat without fear of gaining weight, to accept my body, and to trust myself with food I had been taught was "bad". The fear and the shame with food meant I wouldn't let myself eat even a little bit of what I wanted, and then inevitably end up going ass over teakettle in the bakery case at 7-eleven.
On that first call, Kristin just listened to the saga, and then dropped a truth bomb that was the line in the sand between a life in which food was fruaght vs. just something I needed because I'm a carbon based life form with taste buds.
"You can't be addicted to something you need to live."
Hearing these words was this MASSIVE light bulb moment for me. I'd spent so many years of my life feeling shame and just different because of how I felt about food, and she had just handed me a key to freedom out of that thinking.
It's been well over a year since our work together, and I have a sustainable, peaceful, no drama no trauma relationship with food. My self hatred is gone, my man and I have steamy hot sex with the lights on, and I'm not modeling shame based behaviors with food and my body to my 8 year old.
Kristin, THANK YOU for the lifetime of struggle you've helped me let go of. I am forever grateful.
-Liz Dubois
I, Carolyn, am living proof of this Wellness program changing my life. I believe in my potential in all of the upcoming circumstances I will face and I am overcoming them with confidence one at a time. This is a definite permanent wellness life change for me. I live on the quote: “A faith that cannot be tested is a faith that cannot be trusted.”
This Wellness program has taught me to dig deep into the past experiences of hurt and pain and release by speaking truth and hanging on to positive affirmations to move forward. I was dwelling and sleeping in the past of hurts and woes. Then, I was still a little sluggish to wake up, but putting lots of hard work in on this journey learning how to "speak truth" to the past, present and future. About 9 weeks in, I began waking up to see a significant change in my heart, mind, body and soul of sweetness and peace fully believing “I AM ENOUGH”! I am fully awake to true life and the enjoyment of living is like spreading my wings and soaring like an eagle...
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
I have been renewed to the path of righteousness, I have endured being patient, I have gained strength to meet the trials of hard work in learning a path of freedom within myself and out, I face temptations in the here and now, and I am sharing this realization with others...and "speaking truth" - I HAVE FALLEN IN LOVE WITH THE JOURNEY OF LIFE. I am no longer surviving and waiting in time and space....I am alive....and running the race of endurance.
I realize it now as the eyes of my heart have been opened that this journey will still take hard work, and because of hard work it will only get better and better.... to face each day no matter what life brings us...we can face this day, today.
I will now share with you the circumstances while on this program.
January 14, 2023 my husband went into the hospital, had a seizure, and was hospitalized for 3 days. He had a viral infection on the left temporal lobe and a small mass that the doctors were unable to identify. I started this Wellness Program on January 17, sitting in the waiting room having my first session into the program. January 27, he went in for another MRI and the mass had grown from 9mm to 17mm in days. He had brain surgery on February 6, and was diagnosed with Giloblastoma, an incurable brain cancer. His vision and memory has been greatly affected. He had two cataract eye surgeries and a retinal puck in his left eye - February 21, and March 7, in hopes his vision would improve. He is still hanging on to great hopes for surgery and improvement there. My husband has chosen not to prolong life with radiation and chemo. On March 9, at the follow up with the neurosurgeon, we shared his decision with the doctor. I asked what the lifespan could possibly be without treatment- 3 to 18 months. He is living his numbered days expected for life.
This true life story is still happening today. This life story for us at this time is still in God’s timing and plan. The Wellness Program literally brought me out of a drowning state in the spiritual, emotional, intellectual and physical aspects of my life. The answers to all of your questions and thoughts that formed in your mind as you were reading my story I want you all to know, I have overcome hurts from my past and am now continuing in this new life with confidence that, “I Am Enough” and the strength God is blessing me with is so powerful I am succeeding in all of life continued unexpected challenges.
Hebrews 12:1 "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,"
The greatest and best gift of all we can receive is the gift of salvation to have the opportunity to live a life that gives us a hope and a future eternally.
Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you”—this is the Lord’s declaration—“plans for your well-being, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
The next best gift is to share this precious gift of true life is God blessing me with people who have walked in my shoes of life, or in their own journey can relate to "life situations" to help others.
Something I least expected that I am thrilled to share, I began my first session as a mentor on April 20, of this Wellness Program with my first woman, all because of Kristin Dickerson's guidance of finding the potential within me and it has been released. I am grateful for Kristin who is bringing out the best in all of us.
-Carolyn Robinson
I’ve known Kristin for several years and always found talking with her an uplifting experience. When she first started this business, I approached my granddaughter about signing up, as I thought it would help her. She said she’d look into it but I never heard back.
Recently, she seemed like she was in a place to maybe approach her again about Kristin’s program. I happened to catch her at the perfect time and she was open to giving it a try. I immediately reached out to Kristin and was thrilled that she had one spot open. I knew my granddaughter would only get out of it what she put in, so I crossed my fingers that her openness wasn’t short-lived. My only hope for this program was that she’d learn to love herself as much as we all love her and to see herself like we do.
After their first introductory phone call, I was tickled to hear, “It went okay. I really like Kristin. She’s super easy to talk to. We even went over our scheduled time. Like… a lot…” J
That (going overtime) turned out to be a typical thing. LOL. Periodically I’d get texts from my granddaughter saying, “I really love Kristin. I’m going to miss talking to her when this is over!” and messages from Kristin, “I really love your granddaughter and I’m so proud of her progress.”
I tried to ‘stay out of it’ and didn’t contact either of them for several weeks. When I did finally talk to my granddaughter, I was blown away at the difference!!! It was like talking to another person. Her mood, her attitude, her confidence, her plans, her focus, her vision of the future… all of that improved 100%. And every time I talked to her after that, I could see even more improvement. Kristin messaged me several times that she was so proud of her and the work she was putting in. She’s now finished the program and I am amazed at the transformation. She finally sees her own self-worth. She loves herself and no longer thinks she’s just ‘taking up air she doesn’t deserve to breathe’. She has plans and goals and is finally putting herself first. She’s making positive changes in her lifestyle and in her personal choices.
The ironic thing is, she has a social work degree herself, and she has always understood the science and psychology of her own issues, but Kristin helped her to find the proper tools to cope with those issues and to use her tools in new and different ways. The change in her is visible. She beams. She laughs. The inner light that was always there is finally shining through – and it’s blinding. She still has ‘bad days’ but they aren’t debilitating. She sees them for what they are and gets through them and moves on. She’s setting reasonable boundaries for those who make her feel ‘less than’. She’s spending time on herself by learning to cook something new and healthy, or taking a walk, or buying herself a new plant, or giving herself a facial. She’s learning to stand up for herself and say, “no” – and I know this is a big one for her – but she’s doing it – which means she’s finally putting herself first, and that means she finally feels worthy of being first.
I can’t thank Kristin enough…ever…for doing what many degreed professionals over the past ten years could not: making her love herself.